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Quality Assurance

SIG formulates and implements the Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) in all aspects of production. This is to ensure the quality of products and services to our customers. SIG views The Plan as necessary tools for developing and expanding our positive relationships with our clients.

The Plan provides for quality assurance procedures that are overseen by the Quality Assurance Team. This team is responsible for promoting, monitoring and evaluating quality-related activities.

The Plan is designed to meet the following objectives:
  • To use a planned and systematic process to assess the quality of our products provided to our clients.
  • To use a planned and systematic process to ensure safe practices and a safe workplace.
  • To implement corrective action when issues or opportunities for improvement in care or safety are identified.

SIG builds Quality Assurance into our operational procedures to facilitate continuous monitoring and control throughout our organization. Quality Assurance is an integral part of our planning, operation.


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last updated:@2013 Sinoventure Group
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